A downloadable game

Cairn is an adventure game for one facilitator (the Warden) and at least one other player. Players act as hardened adventurers exploring a dark & mysterious Wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities.

Based on Knave by Ben Milton and Into The Odd by Chris McDowall, Cairn is an attempt at making Into The Odd semi-compatible with popular OSR settings like Dolmenwood. Character generation is quick and random, classless, and relies on fictional advancement rather than through XP or level mechanics. The game itself is rules-light but functional, leaving most rulings up to the Warden.

Cover by Cosmic Orrery Games.

Traditional character sheet created by Licopeo.

Token character sheet created by bordercholly.

Tokens are largely art created by Carlos Castilho. Some tokens created by Licopeo.

Check out the official page for more resources (including the original Affinity source file), tools, and an SRD!


Cairn Character sheet Fillable.pdf 2.6 MB
Cairn Character Sheet Tokens.pdf 6 MB
Cairn Tokens.pdf 27 MB
Cairn Character Sheet 2 page rules.pdf 858 kB
Cairn.pdf 12 MB
Cairn booklet.pdf 12 MB
Cairn.afpub 14 MB

Install instructions

To print booklet, make double sided (short side) Landscape on a duplex printer.
Character sheets are double-sided (notes on back).
For Tokens, print out all sheets as Landscape, then separate Armor and Two-Handed Weapons. Cut along dotted lines (Horizontally & Vertically).

Development log

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